Fertilizer Industry Innovations Supporting Climate Mitigation
November 10, 2024
Presented 11 November 2024 at the annual meetings of the American Society of Agronomy in San Antonio,…
Providing science-based support for sustainable management of plant nutrition.
Plant Nutrition Canada provides science support for the fertilizer industry’s efforts to advance nutrient stewardship. We apply, interpret and extend science for sustainable plant nutrition.
Better nutrient stewardship tackles issues of widespread concern, including food security, climate change, and ecosystem health.
The 4R Nutrient Stewardship strategy is broadly accepted. The science is applied in the 4R Plant Nutrition Manual, and recognized by the UN-FAO.
Science linking plant nutrition practices and sustainability outcomes is interpreted by the Scientific Panel on Responsible Plant Nutrition.
With Fertilizer Canada and the African Plant Nutrition Institute, we extend science for the African 4R Solution.